About me

Hello there! I'm Paul, a 32-year-old self-taught photographer who picked up the craft on his own. Since 2010, I've been immersed in the world of photography, beginning my journey when I was still in high school taking pictures for a class project. This was when I unearthed my knack for capturing life through a lens.

Over the past four years, I've specialized in waterdrop photography, an intricate and challenging genre that I've come to love. In this time, I've shot over 100,000 images of these transient droplets, and among them, a few dozen have truly stood out. The pursuit of the perfect waterdrop image is a process of constant experimentation and learning, where each shot offers a new lesson.

What draws me to this specific field is the fleeting beauty of a waterdrop, a spectacle that exists for only a few milliseconds, yet can be immortalized through the art of photography. On the other hand, I also have a profound love for nature photography. In a world that often overlooks the subtle magnificence of the natural world, I use my lens to expose these hidden gems and encapsulate them within a frame. Through my photography, I aspire to bring into focus those elements of nature that might otherwise go unnoticed.


In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often breeze past the multitude of natural wonders that subtly enhance the world around us. This vast assortment of nature's splendors frequently goes unnoticed, hidden in plain sight. It is my pursuit, through the medium of photography, to draw back the veil on these overlooked elements, transforming them into a visible spectacle that can be appreciated in their captured form.

Of the many elements that captivate my attention, the phenomenon of rain is one of the most striking and yet habitually disregarded. Within the context of my waterdrop photography, I strive to encapsulate the transient, ephemeral beauty of a raindrop, a spectacle that exists for a blink of an eye, and crystallize it within the confines of a photographic frame.

For a span of four enriching years, I have been honing my skills in waterdrop photography, pouring countless hours into mastering this art form. Intricately designing and creating each piece of equipment I employ in this process is an integral part of my journey. This journey, spread over years, has been a hands-on exploration, with plenty of trials and errors, as I experimented with myriad combinations of apparatus and camera settings before settling on the optimal configuration. However, the learning never ceases. I am persistently seeking innovative ideas, novel techniques, and refining my methods to continually evolve my craft.

However, my passion for photography does not confine itself to just waterdrops. I derive immense satisfaction from capturing other minutely detailed elements of our natural world, ranging from the intricate patterns of a flower in bloom, the complex biology of insects, the delicate shifts in plant life, to the splendidly evolving canvas of a sunset. Each presents its own unique set of challenges and rewards in photography, fostering my continuous growth as an artist.

In the curated collection that is my portfolio, I attempt to incorporate all these diverse subjects. My aspiration is not only to capture but also to showcase these natural displays, offering the viewer an opportunity to pause and appreciate the inherent beauty around us. Through my work, I aim to amplify the often-missed whispers of nature, magnifying them into a resounding symphony that commands attention and sparks admiration.